Montecristo White cigars are reminiscent of the original Montecristo cigars but with a lush, hand-selected Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper. Using a Nicaraguan binder and a blend of select Dominican & Nicaraguan long-fillers, these luxury-class cigars make for a rich, creamy, well-rounded smoke with a satisfying flavor and aroma. Order a box, or start with an affordably-priced 5-pack now and taste why Montecristo cigars have become the standard by which all other cigars are judged.
With its rich history and reputation, Montecristo has become the
standard by which all other cigars are measured. Now, we've created
the new Montecristo White to complement our original Montecristo.
Introducing our new Montecristo White Court Tube cigars.
Montecristo has become a benchmark for other cigars thanks to its
rich history and reputation.
Montecristo White No. 3 cigars. With its rich history and
reputation, Montecristo cigars have become the benchmark by which
all other cigars are judged.
With a lush, hand-selected Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper,
the Montecristo White cigars are reminiscent of the original
Montecristo cigars. These luxury cigars are made with a Nicaraguan
binder and Dominican and Nicaraguan long-fillers that make for a
satisfying aroma and rich, creamy smoke. Get a taste of why
Montecristo cigars have become the standard by which all other
cigars are compared now by ordering a box or starting with a 5-pack
at a reasonable price.
The Montecristo Mini White Tin premium cigars are the perfect way
to get a rich, creamy smooth Monte White flavor in a pinch.
Compact at 2.88 x 20, these cigars have an Ecuadorian wrapper, a
Nicaraguan binder leaf, and a blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican
long filler tobacco. The medium bodied smoke gives off delicious
notes of leather, sweet spice, toast, and cream. For those who
need a quick relaxation break during their busy day, these
top-notch cigars come in handy 20 pack tins with five sticks to
go around. Montecristo's addition of Mini Whites has been popular
among cigar fans everywhere for their convenience and flavor.
Introducing the Montecristo White No. 2. With its rich history and
reputation, Montecristo has become the standard by which all other
cigars are judged.
A master cigar in the Dominican. Known as the best of the best,
Montecristo is a true cigar aficionado's choice. Montecristo will
satiate your palate to the fullest. With a sweet, earthy, floral
fragrance, sweet corn, vanilla, coffee bean flavor, and a smooth,
vibrant finish, this is a remarkable cigar with an outstanding
Montecristo White Robusto Grande Natural cigars evoke memories of
the classic Montecristo. Featuring a hand-selected Ecuadorian
Connecticut Shade wrapper and Nicaraguan binder combined with
select Dominican Nicaraguan long-fillers, this cigar provides an
enjoyable, complex smoke. These cigars are presented in
eye-catching hand-lacquered white boxes carrying on the timeless
Montecristo tradition with an elegant finish.
With its rich history and reputation, Montecristo has become the
standard by which all other cigars are judged. Now, to complement
our original Montecristo, we have created the new Montecristo
With its rich history and reputation, Montecristo has become the
benchmark by which all other cigars are judged. Now, we've created
the new Montecristo White to complement the original.
Montecristo White Toro Grande cigars offer a unique smoking
experience, with an Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper and select
Nicaraguan and Dominican long fillers. The result is a luxurious,
robust, and well-rounded cigar that honors the great Montecristo
tradition in every puff. These special-edition cigars come in
eye-catching white hand-lacquered boxes.
Retail Price:$333.86
Availability:In Stock
Montecristo White Toro Grande 5 pack
Showing 1 to 12
of 12
Disclaimer does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
payment and be subject to full prosecution under the law. All California residents are subject to 8.75%
sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
will be added during the checkout process.