Romeo y Julieta 1875 cigars are rich in taste, high in quality and priced affordably so that every cigar smoker can make them part of their rotation. These classic cigars are handmade with choice, cedar-aged Dominican long-filler tobaccos finished in silky, aromatic Indonesian TBN (shade-grown) wrappers for a well-balanced, medium-bodied smoke with a note of sweet spice on the finish. Presented in boxes of 10, 20, 25, and 5-Packs, Romeo y Julieta cigars are perfect for any occasion.
The Romeo y Julieta 1875 Numero Dos cigar is a modern re-creation
of the original Cuban Romeo right down to the retro band,
aluminum tube, old-world packaging, and of course...flavor! This
“Cubanesque” beauty offers rich, medium-bodied notes of nuts,
earth, cinnamon, cocoa, and spice, encased in an Indonesian
wrapper, surrounded by a classic Dominican binder and filler
blend. Don't miss out on a little Havana with this box!
RyJ cigars have been popular for many years, starting with their
Cuban cigars and moving to more modern blends made in the
Dominican Republic. 1875 is one of their most sought-after
offerings; boasting a slightly oily Indonesian wrapper, binder
from the Dominican Republic, and long-filler, this cigar delivers
the perfect balance between power and smoothness. Lighting it up
reveals medium-bodied notes of cedar and earth that provide an
easy draw and consistent burn. It doesn’t hurt that 1875 has been
awarded an impressive 92-rating! The review calls it aromatic
with a clean white ash, toasty flavors of wood and leather, and a
sweet finish. So don't wait too long to order your supply of this
outstanding Romeo y Julieta cigar!
RyJ cigars have been popular for many years, starting with their
Cuban cigars and moving to more modern blends made in the
Dominican Republic. 1875 is one of their most sought-after
offerings; boasting a slightly oily Indonesian wrapper, binder
from the Dominican Republic, and long-filler, this cigar delivers
the perfect balance between power and smoothness. Lighting it up
reveals medium-bodied notes of cedar and earth that provide an
easy draw and consistent burn. It doesn’t hurt that 1875 has been
awarded an impressive 92-rating! The review calls it aromatic
with a clean white ash, toasty flavors of wood and leather, and a
sweet finish. So don't wait too long to order your supply of this
outstanding Romeo y Julieta cigar!
been pleasing smokers since 1875, so now you can enjoy your Romeos
wherever you go with the petite Julietas. These tasty little
morsels are sold in 6-packs, containing ten cigars each. The
Julietas are small in size but big on taste, making them ideal for
smokers that are short on time but still want good tobacco.
In addition to emitting huge clouds of aromatic smoke and rich,
nutty flavors, the Romeo y Julieta 1875 Magnum is a behemoth of a
smoke. Presented in boxes of 20, the 60 plus ring gauge Magnum is
all the rage these days, and once you take a bite, you will
understand why!
Romeo y Julieta Petite Bully Packs - If you're searching for a
great cigar at an affordable price, then Romeo y Julieta 1875
cigars are probably the best option for you. A well balanced,
consistent smoke is produced when Dominican tobacco is combined
with an aromatic Indonesian wrapper.
Romeo Y Julieta Romeo's Court is a Dominican version of a
world-famous cigar brand. This medium-to-full-bodied blend
has flavors of oak and coffee with a smooth, crisp aroma. With a
Dominican binder and filler, Romeo Y Julieta Romeo's Court is
wrapped in a luxurious Indonesian Shade Grown TBN wrapper. Romeo
Y Julieta Romeo's Court provides a smooth, mellow taste and
medium body.
Romeo y Julieta 1875 cigars provide smokers the perfect balance of
exceptional taste and AFFORDABILITY. These classic sticks are
handmade with cedar-aged Dominican long filler tobaccos paired with
a silky, aromatic Indonesian TBN wrapper for a medium-bodied smoke
with notes of sweet spice on the finish. They are presented in
boxes of 10, 20, 25 and 5-packs - ideal for any occasion.
The Romeo y Julieta 1875 cigar brand has been satisfying smokers
since 1875. The petite Julietas allow you to carry your Romeo’s
with you anywhere you go. These tasty little morsels are sold in
6-packs, containing ten cigars each. In spite of their small
size, the Julietas are the perfect compromise when you need a
top-quality smoke but have limited time.
Retail Price:$178.10
Availability:Temporarily Out of Stock
Romeo y Julieta 1875 Tres 5 pack
Showing 1 to 23
of 23
Disclaimer does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
payment and be subject to full prosecution under the law. All California residents are subject to 8.75%
sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
will be added during the checkout process.