Introducing Show Cigarillos, a fresh addition to the cigarillo scene that goes head-to-head with leading brands by offering Dominican-made, machine-crafted cigars. Boasting a mild yet flavorful taste, Show cigarillos are perfect for daily indulgence, reminiscent of Dutch Masters. Choose from a selection of flavors including Sweet, White Grape, Wet and Fruity, Green and Silver. Each box contains 15 handy resealable foil pouches holding 5 cigarillos each. Impeccable in quality and reasonably priced, Show Cigarillos provide a truly enjoyable smoking experience.
Introducing Show Cigarillos, the latest addition to the cigarillo
scene. These Dominican-made, machine-crafted cigars offer a mild
yet flavorful option for everyday enjoyment, reminiscent of Dutch
Masters. Choose from a range of delicious flavors such as Sweet,
White Grape, Wet and Fruity, Green and Silver. Each box contains
15 easy-to-use foil pouches, with 5 cigarillos in each.
Experience impeccable quality and a delightful smoking experience
without breaking the bank with Show Cigarillos.
Introducing Show Cigarillos, the latest addition to the cigarillo
scene. These Dominican-made, machine-crafted cigars are giving
well-known brands a run for their money. Offering a mild yet
delicious taste, Show cigarillos are perfect for everyday
indulgence and reminiscent of Dutch Masters. Choose from an
assortment of flavors such as Sweet, White Grape, Wet and Fruity,
Green and Silver. Each box contains 15 resealable foil pouches,
with 5 cigarillos in each, making them convenient for on-the-go
enjoyment. With unbeatable quality, Show Cigarillos provide a
delightful smoking experience without breaking the bank.
Introducing Show Cigarillos, the latest addition to the cigarillo
market. These Dominican-made, machine-crafted cigars are giving
popular brands a run for their money. Boasting a mild yet
flavorful taste, Show cigarillos are perfect for daily
indulgence, evoking memories of Dutch Masters. Available in
Sweet, White Grape, Wet and Fruity, Green and Silver flavors,
each box contains 15 practical foil pouches that can be resealed
and holds 5 cigarillos per pouch. With unbeatable quality and an
affordable price point, Show Cigarillos provide a satisfying
smoking experience.
Introducing Show Cigarillos - the newest addition to the
cigarillo scene, ready to rival established brands with their
Dominican-made, machine-crafted cigars. These mild and flavorful
cigarillos are perfect for everyday indulgence, reminiscent of
Dutch Masters. Choose from a range of flavors such as Sweet,
White Grape, Wet and Fruity, Green and Silver. Each box contains
15 resealable foil pouches, each with 5 cigarillos inside for
easy access. Rest assured of impeccable quality and a delightful
smoking experience at an affordable price with Show Cigarillos.
Introducing Show Cigarillos, a fresh addition to the cigarillo
scene. Hailing from the Dominican Republic and crafted by
machines, these mild yet flavorful cigars give popular brands a
run for their money. Experience everyday enjoyment similar to
Dutch Masters with a range of delectable flavors including Sweet,
White Grape, Wet and Fruity, Green and Silver. Convenience is key
with 15 boxes featuring resealable foil pouches holding 5 cigars
each. Impeccable quality guarantees a delightful smoking
experience at an unbeatable price point.
Retail Price:$18.36
Availability:In Stock
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of 5
Disclaimer does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21. does not sell cigarettes. It is unlawful to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not at least 21 years of age, please do not enter our site.
If you purchase cigars online from this site you are certifying that you are over the age of 21.
Individuals who are caught attempting to purchase these products under the age of 21 will forfeit their
payment and be subject to full prosecution under the law. All California residents are subject to 8.75%
sales tax from cigar stores for cigars and tobacco products only, an additional 52.92% excise tax which
will be added during the checkout process.